2-1-1 Treasure Coast
24/7 resource and referral telephone line that residents may call for many reasons, some simply need a phone number to a community program, while others call because they need to talk over a problem. Phone: 211
The Arc of St. Lucie County
The Arc provides a comprehensive array of services to individuals with intellectual, physical, and developmental disabilities and their families . Programs provided are: Child services - After-School program, Summer Camp program, Adult Day Training program and Community Living program. Phone: 772.468.7879​
Healthy Families
Provides a voluntary, home visiting program that promotes positive parent-child relationships and healthy growth and development from ages 0-5. Phone: 772.467.9505
Hibiscus Children's Center
Provides voluntary intervention for families experiencing a crisis through parenting, financial education, and mental health services. Phone: 772.340.5044
Hope for Families
Vero Beach's Hope for Families Center provides the tools to empower its residents, helping them identify and resolve their problems, find better jobs and ultimately move into stable living arrangements where they can become contributing members of the community. Phone: 772.567.5537
In the Image of Christ
Our agency offers charitable services, health programs, educational training, and prevention outreach to address health disparities in the community. Phone: 772-461-7788
Treasure Health
Provides individual, group and family grief counseling for children and their families. Phone: 772.403.4521
Tykes and Teens
Provides evidence based interventions to help children 0-5 who have experienced trauma achieve emotional healing that promotes healthy attachments and brain development. Phone: 772.220.3439
United Against Poverty
Our mission is to help those in need to transform their lives by providing food, crisis care, opportunities for education and employment, and a hand up to families, individuals and children who are fighting to break the cycle of poverty. Located at 2520 Orange Ave, Fort Pierce, Florida 34950. Phone: 772.468.8543